Posted on May 16, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio comedy,
Radio drama,
Radio variety.
For actor Henry Fonda, the old “third time’s the charm” idiom certainly rang true in 1982. He was recognized by his peers at the Academy Awards ceremony that year and awarded the Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar for his performance as an elderly curmudgeon who reconnects with his daughter (played by real-life daughter Jane) in On […]
Posted on May 5, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio adventure,
Radio comedy,
Radio crime,
Radio drama,
Radio mystery,
Radio western.
“Ben was one of the last of the true English gentlemen in the Edwardian sense of the word, with an accent on the gentle,” remarked Joe Bandille in 1989 on the passing of his good friend, actor Ben Wright. “He was also a scholar in the best tradition of the self-educated man.” Old-time radio devotees know […]
Posted on April 26, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio adventure,
Radio crime,
Radio drama,
Radio mystery,
Radio sci-fi,
Radio western.
Old-time radio fans remember actor Victor Herbert Perrin—born in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin on this date in 1916—as a member-in-good-standing of the informal “stock company” of performers frequently used by director-producer Norm Macdonnell for the popular radio series Gunsmoke. What you may not know, however, is that Perrin was also a writer; he penned five scripts for the […]
Posted on April 23, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio comedy,
Radio drama,
Radio variety.
There’s a classic Jack Benny Show telecast from the 1960s (but really…aren’t they all classics?) where Jack, having ordered a “Shirley Temple” (a non-alcoholic drink made with ginger ale and grenadine, with a maraschino cherry for garnish), takes a swig of his cocktail and discovers it’s been spiked with Scotch. Benny expresses his displeasure to the waiter (who else […]
Posted on April 19, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic television,
Radio adventure,
Radio comedy,
Radio drama,
Radio western.
On the subject of the Golden Age of Radio, one word frequently comes to mind: versatility. Its dramatic shows often presented tales well-calculated to keep you in…Suspense! (If you listened to Bob and Ray, however, you heard “tales well-calculated to keep you in…Anxiety!”) If you were tired of the everyday grind and wanted to get […]
Posted on April 16, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio adventure,
Radio comedy,
Radio crime,
Radio drama,
Radio horror,
Radio mystery,
Radio sci-fi.
In 1938, aspiring actress Joan Alexander found herself in Vienna after a lengthy tour of major cities in North America, Latin America, and Europe while studying her craft. The former model was under the tutelage of renowned director-acting coach Benno Schneider, which necessitated her frequent flier miles, yet her decision to return to America was heavily influenced […]
“Joan Crawford has passed into myth as a demented martinet whose greatest need or belief concerned padded clothes hangers,” observes author-historian David Thomson in his book The New Biographical Dictionary of Film. You see, a year after Joan’s passing in 1977, her adopted daughter Christina’s controversial child abuse memoir—Mommie Dearest—was published, followed by a big screen adaptation […]
Posted on February 28, 2021, 8:00 am, by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr., under
Classic movies,
Classic television,
Radio adventure,
Radio comedy,
Radio crime,
Radio drama,
Radio mystery,
Radio variety,
Radio western.
In 1947, when the dramatic anthology The First Nighter Program moved from its long-time Chicago home to Hollywood, leading man Olan Soule—born in La Harpe, Illinois on this date in 1909—relocated to Tinsel Town as well. Olan went shopping for patio furniture to furnish his new digs and in paying for his purchase handed the salesclerk a […]